As you may already have noticed, Ivolution is still in early development. A lot of new features will probably be added in the future, and here are some of the one I currently work on:
Allow users to create and save projects
Currently, users are only able to create a video from scratch using a set of pictures. The process may be long, and boring if you are still in the middle of your project (as you have to start the same process over and over again). This is also problematic if you have a lot of images, and not enough time to process everything at once.
This feature will allow you to save the work you have already done. This way, only the new images in the folder will be processed once you load the project.
Reduce processing time
You may have noticed that the face detection process may be quite long, especially if you have high resolution images. This is completely normal, as face detection is a costly operation. The process could be fasten in the Ivolution though, by using multi-threading for example.
Add effects in the video
Currently, the video switches between images without effect. This can be quite brutal, especially is you are using the fast speed. This could be solved by adding a fading effect between frames. The option to use it or not will be placed in the settings.
Allow users to change the name of the video
A current limitation forces users to call their output video Ivolution.avi. This should be changed soon
I have new ideas every day, and there's not enough space here to list them all !
If you also have ideas, just drop me a mail at and I'll be glad to take your advice in consideration !